Weirton 1st enjoyed an evening with Dwight and Carolyn Rich, WVN LINKS assigned missionaries, May 10th. The Rich couple do an outstanding job keeping the audience engaged as they appeal to all age groups. Dwight and Carolyn have ministered to the people of Ecuador for 34 ye
ars. Rich spoke of God’s faithfulness, his promise to love, keep and protect us. “Be still and know I am God…” (Psalm 46:10) was recited throughout the night. Testimonies of God’s protection and timing had adults’ and teenaged folk attention captivated. What a blessing to be able to hear how the Lord is working through this wonderful couple. For booking information, please contact our WVN LINKS Coordinator: Mrs. Angela Mahaffey or or 304-517-6816
2016-2019 WVN LINKS Missionaries
David and Mary Beth Gilles
LINKS: Dave & Mary Beth Giles from WVN NMI on Vimeo.
Dwight and Carol Rich
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Mima Hughs
LINKS MISSIONARY: Mima Hughs from WVN NMI on Vimeo.
Sarah Phipps – MVNU Student serving with Justice Movement –
LINKS MISSIONARY: Sarah Phipps from WVN NMI on Vimeo.
LINKS MISSIONARY: Sarah Phipps from WVN NMI on Vimeo.