WVND Honduras WW Trip

Welcome 2017 and a fresh start to a New Year!  It is exciting to think what this year holds!  Oh the possibilities, the stories that are to be written, the lives changed, and the IMPACT we continue to make on the world near and far! It does stir one’s heart!
This May our WW Coordinators, Chuck and Betty Gatian, will be taking a team to Pedro San Sula, Honduras. The WW team will be in ministry between the dates of  May 9th – 18th as they install 6 community sized water purification systems. These systems are capable of purifying water for up to 200 families for 20 years! Yes. 200 families. 20 years. BIG IMPACT.
The WVND WW team plans to use another means of  evangelizing while in Honduras. They want to reach the most precious ones in Honduras -the children, by the use of personal care kits.
There will be 12 individuals standing in Honduras in May. Let us join together as a district and support this great ministry effort. Twelve individuals backed by hundreds. What an awesome feeling!
Items Requested:
travel size shampoo
travel size soap
travel size toothpaste
fingernail clippers
rubber band style bracelet
Should you have any questions regarding the Honduras WW trip, requested products, product drop off, or ways to support the WW trip, please contact Chuck & Betty Gatian  at 304-692-2971 or clgatian@gmail.com .
Have a wonderful weekend! THRIVE in all you do! God bless you and all your endeavors! Go and Change the World!
Beth Wyers-Burgey